- Description
- Course Content
- What you'll learn?
Programming is the act of giving instructions to computer to perform a certain task. There are hundreds of programming languages used in the professional industry. One needs to be familiar with a programming language to be able to develop software applications. Learning a programming language is useful even if your future career is not related directly to computer programming but falls inside computer tech industry.
Knowledge and understanding of computer programming in C language is one of the most fundamental skills for today’s students. You should learn C language first, and then pick up any other language that is best suited for your need. Some other higher-level or scripting languages such as Java, C# and Python may sound easier to learn but you will be limited with less versatile in the long run if you don’t know C.
Our C Programming course gives you a detailed orientation of programming whether you're a beginner or an intermediate level student who already has some programming experience. We focus on fundamentals. Unlike many other subjects, you can't learn programming by reading, you need to understand the logic behind every program and implement it perfectly to get the desired results. For that purpose we have included several practice programs at the end of each section to give you a clear understanding of the basics.
C Programming
1) Introduction
- Applications of C language
- Levels of Programming languages
- Input and Output functions
2) C Tokens
- Character Sets
- Alphabets
- Special Characters
- Keywords
- Data types
- Identifiers
- Data types and Ranges
- Formats
- Variables
- Constants
3) Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Relational Operators
- Logical Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Conditional operator (Ternary operator)
- Increment/ Decrement operators
- Special operators
4) Control statements and Loops
- Control statements
- if statement
- if else statement
- nested if else statement
- Loops
- for loop
- while loop
- do while loop
- Switch case
5) Arrays
- One Dimensional Array
- Two Dimensional Array
- Multi Dimensional Array
6) Strings
- Concatenation
- Copy
- Length
- Uppercase
- Lowercase
- Reverse
- Compare
- String set
7) Functions
- Classification
- Based on definition
- Inbuilt function
- User-defined function
- Based on return type
- without arguments, without return values
- with arguments, without return values
- without arguments, with return values
- with arguments, with return values
- Based on definition
- Storage Classes
- Automatic Variable
- Static Variable
- External Variable
- Register Variable
8) Pointers
- Definition of Pointer
- Reference Operator
- Pointer of Pointer
- Array of Pointer
9) Structures
10) Unions
11) Enumerators
Programs Discussed
- Write a program that converts temperature in Fahrenheit to Celsius
- Write a program to print number pyramid of ‘n’ given line
- Write a program that prints a pyramid of stars based on the no. of lines given as input.
- Write a program that prints an inverted pyramid of stars based on the no. of lines given as input.
- Write a program that prints an pyramid of diamonds based on the no. of lines given as input.
- Write a program that to print a right pointed pyramid based on the no. of lines given.
- Write a program that converts given decimal number to binary number.
- Write a program that converts given binary number to decimal number.
- Write a program that performs arithmetic operations like add, subtract, multiply, divide & modulus when two integers are given and displays the output.
- Write a program that continuously performs arithmetic operations on numbers given until q is pressed.
- Write a program to find factorial of a number
- Write a program that prints the reverse of given number
- Write a program to find the larger one of three given numbers
- Write a program to print first ‘n’ even numbers
- Write a program to print first ‘n’ odd numbers
- Write a program to check whether given year is leap or not.
- Write a program to find largest of 10 given numbers
- Write a program that finds largest of any set of numbers
- Write a program that checks whether the given number is prime or not
- Write a program to print first ‘n’ prime numbers.
- Write a program to print prime numbers up to given number.
- Write a program to print first ‘n’ Fibonacci numbers without using recursion
- Write a program to print first ‘n’ Fibonacci numbers using recursion
- Write a program to check whether given number is palindrome or not.
- Write a program to check whether given number is Armstrong number or not.
- Write a program to print ‘n’ Armstrong numbers
- Write a program that displays sum of digits of the given number
- Write a program that swaps two numbers using a third variable
- Write a program that swaps two numbers without using a third variable
- Write a program to add two distances in feet and inches and show the result also in feet and inches
After completing this course, you'll learn
- Basics of programming
- How to take input and display output in a program
- How to do common arithmetic operations in a program
- What is a programming syntax and why it is important
- How to debug your programs
- Ternary Operator
- Increment/Decrement operators
- How to use loops (if, if-else, while, do-while, nested if, switch)
- What does break, continue, goto statements do for loops
- Procedure oriented programming in C language
- Different key words and data types and their formats and ranges
- Difference between variables and constants and when should you use one
- How to add comments to your program
- How to use Logical and Bit-wise operators
- Perform common mathematical operations like powers, square root etc in C pgogramming
- What is an array and how to declare, initialize and access it
- Single and Multi dimensional arrays
- How are strings created and different functions to modify strings
- What are functions and how to define one
- Different types of functions
- Functions based on argument and return types
- What is a function access variable
- What is a Pointer and how to use it
- Accessing elements of array through Pointer
- How to use Structures to store different data types
- What are Unions and how to use them
- How to generate a random number with/without a seed value
- Understand and Develop your own logic to solve any problem using C Programming