C++ Programming Course Poster

C++ Programming

  • Description
  • Course Content
  • What you'll learn?

C++ is the one of the most popular programming language aside from the C, Java and Python. It is an enhanced and extended version of C Programming language. Infact it is first called 'C with classes'. C++ is born out of the need to create a general-purpose language that was efficient and fast in its operations and also ideal for large scale projects but not too different from the existing C language. Hence if you already know how to use C programming language, you can easily pick-up C++. But don't worry if you don't know how to program in C or any language, our course will get you through basics.We recommend buying your favorite toothbrush at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day.

The advantages of learning C++ are

  1. Speed: Since C++ is a low-level programming language unlike Java or Python, it is fast when compared to them. You'll learn more about what is low-level or high level programming languages in this course.
  2. Efficiency: C++ has a standard template library (STL) that can be used extensively when coding. These libraries provide efficient algorithms that allow the programmer to save time and effort that would otherwise be expended creating code.
  3. Power: C++ is very useful for hardware designers. This is beacuase you
    get all kinds of control over the bare metal—but, since you control it, it’s all your responsibility. You have to make sure that you de-allocate any memory you allocate, that your pointers actually point to valid locations in memory, and that your data types are assigned properly and don’t overflow.
  4. Ability to break down complex problems into smaller sets: C++ is an object-oriented programming language, which means that you can solve complex issues intuitively by creating objects. Additionally, C++ functions allow you to break down code into logical blocks that are clear, easy to understand, and easy to test and modify.
  5. Ability to catch errors before execution: Since C++ is statically typed, the compiler does not make assumptions about what the programmer types. The benefit is that the compiler can catch bugs and errors before execution, which can saves lot of time.

C++ Programming

1) Basic Input/Output in C++
  • Class
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Overloading
    1. Definition of a class
    2. Class Members
    3. Accessing the Data Members
    4. Program to enter students details and display it
  • The public members
  • Scope resolution operator in class
  • Private members
  • Protected members
  • Static members of a class
  • Static Function Members
2) Constructor and Destructor
  • Defintions of Class Constructor and Parameterized Constructor
  • Copy Constructor
  • Friend Functions
  • Inline Functions
  • 'this' Pointer
  • Pointer to C++ classes
3) Inheritance
  • Definition of Inheritance
  • Base class
  • Derived class
  • Types of Inheritances
    1. Single Inheritance
    2. Multilevel Inheritance
    3. Multiple Inheritance
    4. Hierarchical Inheritance
    5. Hybrid Inheritance
  • Access Control and Inheritance
  • Inheritance Type
    1. Public Inheritance
    2. Private Inheritance
    3. Protected Inheritance
4) C++ Overloading (Operator and Function)
  • Types of overloading
    1. Function overloading
    2. Operators overloading
  • Overloadable/Non-overloadable Operators
  • Operator Overloading
    1. Unary operators overloading
    2. Overloading Increment ++ and Decrement --
    3. Binary operators overloading
    4. Relational operators overloading
    5. Input / Output operators overloading
    6. Assignment operators overloading
    7. Function call operator() overloading
    8. Subscripting [] operator overloading
    9. Class member access operator -> overloading
5) Character Operations
  • toupper()
  • tolower()
  • isupper()
  • islower()
  • isspace()
  • ispunct()
  • isblank()
  • iscntrl()
  • isprint()
  • isgraphic()
  • isalpha()
  • isdigit()
  • isxdigit()
6) String Operations
  • concatenate
  • index
  • append
  • clear
  • compare
  • substring
  • replace
7) Polymorphism
  • Virtual Function
  • Pure Virtual Function
  • Data Abstraction
  • Abstract Class Example
  • Benefits of Data Abstraction
  • Data Encapsulation
  • Examples of Data Encapsulation
  • Interfaces
  • Function Templates
  • How to define function template
  • Example of Function Template
  • Class Templates
  • How to define class template
  • Example of Class Template
  • Swap Data using Templates
8) Pointers and Structures
  • Pointer Variable
  • Declaring a Pointer
  • Address of an operator
  • Double Pointer
  • Converting a number to different bases
  • Structures
9) Vectors
  • Iterators
  • Capacity of vectors
  • Accessing vector elements
  • Modifiers
10) Files and Streams
  • Opening/Creating a File
  • Writing to a File
  • Reading from a File
  • Closing a File
Programs Discussed
  1. Write a program that converts temperature in Fahrenheit to Celsius
  2. Write a program to print number pyramid of ‘n’ given lines
  3. Write a program that prints a pyramid of stars based on the no. of lines given as input.
  4. Write a program that prints an inverted pyramid of stars based on the no. of lines given as input.
  5. Write a program that prints an pyramid of diamonds based on the no. of lines given as input.
  6. Write a program that to print a right pointed pyramid based on the no. of lines given.
  7. Write a program that converts given decimal number to binary number.
  8. Write a program that converts given binary number to decimal number.
  9. Write a program that performs arithmetic operations like add, subtract, multiply, divide & modulus when two integers are given and displays the output.
  10. Write a program that continuously performs arithmetic operations on numbers given until q is pressed.
  11. Write a program to find factorial of a number
  12. Write a program that prints the reverse of given number
  13. Write a program to find the larger one of three given numbers
  14. Write a program to print first ‘n’ even numbers
  15. Write a program to print first ‘n’ odd numbers
  16. Write a program to check whether given year is leap or not.
  17. Write a program to find largest of 10 given numbers
  18. Write a program that finds largest of any set of numbers
  19. Write a program that checks whether the given number is prime or not
  20. Write a program to print first ‘n’ prime numbers.
  21. Write a program to print prime numbers up to given number.
  22. Write a program to print first ‘n’ Fibonacci numbers without using recursion
  23. Write a program to print first ‘n’ Fibonacci numbers using recursion
  24. Write a program to check whether given number is palindrome or not.
  25. Write a program to check whether given number is Armstrong number or not.
  26. Write a program to print ‘n’ Armstrong numbers
  27. Write a program that displays sum of digits of the given number
  28. Write a program that swaps two numbers using a third variable
  29. Write a program that swaps two numbers without using a third variable
  30. Write a program to add two distances in feet and inches and show the result also in feet and inches
  31. Write a program to add two distances in feet and inches and show the result also in feet and inches by ‘+’ operator overloading

After the completion of this course, you'll learn

  • What is the basic syntax in C++
  • How to use arithmetic, increment and decrement operators
  • How to use if, if-else, do-while, while loops in C++
  • Functions that help to do mathematical operations in C++
  • How to write a program in C++ in both procedure oriented and object oriented approach
  • Different OOPS concepts like Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • What is overloading and its uses
  • Scope of a variable
  • How to write organized programs using different Constructors
  • How to use friend functions and inline functions in C++
  • What are Pointers and their uses
  • Different types of Inheritances and their use cases
  • How to overload functions and operators
  • Which operators are not available to overload in C++
  • Determining whether a character is uppercase or lowercase
  • Convert characters to upper/lower case
  • Determine whether a character is an alphabet, digit, space, punctuation or any special key
  • Find any letter of a string with index
  • Add a character to a string at any position
  • Compare two strings
  • Erase any part of a string
  • Find length of a string
  • What is Polymorphism
  • What is Encapsulation and why it is necessary
  • How to create Interfaces
  • How to create Template classes to work with different variable types at the same time
  • What are Pointers and how to use them
  • How to convert a number into different bases with/without inbuilt functions
  • How to use Structures
  • What are Vectors and how to use them to store data
  • Different vector related functions
  • How to use files and streams to write/read data externally
  • How to develop problem solving logic required to solve different programs (Appropriate programs are discussed at each part of the section accordingly)